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What’s Happening In Our Neck Of The Woods?? Use this calendar to discover what local events are happening that you don’t want to miss.
Click on any date to see what’s going on in the valley. When something snazzy catches your eye, simply click the “add to Google Calendar” button, and POOF you’re practically there!

Notice something is missing from the calendar? Know of anything that our community won’t want to miss out on?? If so, please let us know so we can get it added to the calendar. See you around!
Valley & Peak logo icon - A stylized representation of mountains and valleys.
Scenic view of Banff main street bathed in golden sunlight during the evening.
Vibrant scene at the Canmore Mountain Market, with bustling booths, people engaging in buying and selling local goods





Discover exciting happenings in Canmore and easily navigate through dates to find events that spark your interest. Simply click on any date to view the events scheduled for that day, and explore the vibrant activities waiting for you.

Found an event you don't want to miss? Easily add it to your Google Calendar by clicking the 'Add to Google Calendar' button. Stay organized and ensure you never miss out on exciting Canmore events!

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